Designing Your Practice

Foundational Documents: Creating a Meaningful Mission Statement


Program Overview:

A mission statement is a brief explanation of your company’s reason for being. It can be as short as a marketing tagline: “Your Health. Our Mission.” or more detailed. Your mission statement should bring clarity to your online identity, helps define your target customer, and provides structure for marketing channels. In the October Designing Your Practice Webinar, we have invited an expert marketing professional, Dave Place, to share insights into how to write a mission statement that translates vision into an online identity and powerful search engine optimization (SEO.)

Program Objectives:

  1. Participants will identify the 3 basic components of a mission statement: cause---->action----->impact
  2. Participants will write a one or two sentence mission statement by the end of the webinar
  3. Participants will be able to define SEO and identify content of their mission statement that drives digital marketing in the area you serve.

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Continuing Education webinars are open to NAHAC members and the general public looking to enhance their knowledge and receive continuing education credit.

Dave Place

Dave Place is an entrepreneur, business consultant, and founder of the digital marketing companies Let’s Market Your Business and Let’s Design Your Site. With a love of business, marketing, communication and psychology, Dave and his team specialize in helping businesses grow and bring more clarity to their online identity. Dave spent his young adult years working on his bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in business while touring North America with his band and writing songs as the lead singer. Gaining textbook knowledge while getting real-world experience of growing a business allowed Dave to understand and empathize with small business owners. Since then, he and his team have helped hundreds of businesses become a better version of themselves. To learn more about our speaker, visit Dave’s website https://www.letsdesignyoursite...