Advocacy Spotlight

Patient Advocate Foundation Release their 2022 Annual Impact Report

Finding Equity in a World of Obstacles

Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF), a national non-profit organization which provides case management services and financial aid to patients with chronic, life-threatening, and debilitating illness, has released its 2022 Annual Impact Report (AIR), Finding Equity in a World of Obstacles.

The AIR explores the impact of PAF interventions on the lives of patients and their families, many of whom experience social or financial distress that results from challenges faced while seeking access to and trying to afford healthcare and basic household needs. It features survey results focused on the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH), financial impact of chronic and complex conditions, and the erosion of publicly available safety net support systems. Highlights are included for PAF’s case management, financial assistance services, health equity and education activities, with interactive opportunities to view patient videos and links directly to select resources.

To View Report visit: https://www.patientadvocate.or...