Why Everyone Should Be Talking About Healthcare Transition
January 2025 CE Webinar
Why Everyone Should Be Talking About Healthcare Transition
NAHAC Members & Non-Members
1 Hour BCPA CE General Credit
January 21, 2025, 3 PM ET / 4 PM CT / 12 PM PT
Healthcare Transition (HCT) is the process of moving from pediatric to adult healthcare. It is a critical time for youth and families and they are largely doing it alone. With the increasing difficulty of navigating the healthcare system, a comprehensive transition plan is the first step towards ensuring young people have the best health outcomes possible.
- Learn about the components of HCT
- How to support young adult clients through the process
- Connect with resources from the National Healthcare Transition Center
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About the Speaker
Rebeka Acosta, BCPA
Rebeka Acosta is Nevada’s first Board Certified Patient Advocate and the Founder of A+JPatient Advocacy. She is published in medical journals, has presented at healthcare conferences, and was recognized as Pediatric Advocate of the Year at the 2023 Healthcare Advocate Summit.
As a patient advocate, Rebeka empowers young people to make smart healthcare decisions, while also pushing for better public health policies. She is a proud partner of Act4Kids Nevada, Nevada Minority Health & Equity Coalition, and Patients for Patient Safety US. But her professional credentials take a backseat to her most important experience - raising two teens with lifelong medical conditions.
Rebeka has a ton of houseplants, loves traveling and naps, and is always on the hunt for cool stickers. If she is not advocating or spending time with loved ones, she is lounging at the pool. Rebeka lives in Las Vegas with her family and two Great Danes, Sunny and Echo.